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Seitz® HS Series Depth Filter Sheets

Seitz HS series depth filter sheets were developed to meet the production needs and requirements of the beer industry.


From the selection and quality control of raw materials to application of the latest production technologies, the HS filter sheets meet the highest quality standards. The high stability of HS sheets enables long production runs of aqueous and higher viscous fluids at low and high temperatures.

HS filter sheets are available in multiple grades suitable for microbial reduction and applications requiring fine, clarifying and coarse filtration.

Features Benefits
Homogenous and consistent media, available in multiple grades
  • Suitable for a variety of applications
  • Proven performance
  • Reliable microbial reduction with tighter grades
Media stability due to high wet strength
  • Easy to remove after use, especially with sticky fluids
  • High economic efficiency due to a long service life
A combination of surface, depth and adsorptive filtration
  • High solids retention
  • Very good permeability
  • Excellent filtrate quality
Each individual filter sheet is laser etched with the sheet grade, batch number and production date.
  • Full traceability

Food Contact Compliance

Please refer to the Pall website for a Declaration of Compliance to specific National Legislation and/or Regional Regulatory requirements for food contact use.

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Seitz HS series depth filter sheets were developed to meet the production needs and requirements of the beer industry.


From the selection and quality control of raw materials to application of the latest production technologies, the HS filter sheets meet the highest quality standards. The high stability of HS sheets enables long production runs of aqueous and higher viscous fluids at low and high temperatures.

HS filter sheets are available in multiple grades suitable for microbial reduction and applications requiring fine, clarifying and coarse filtration.

Features Benefits
Homogenous and consistent media, available in multiple grades
  • Suitable for a variety of applications
  • Proven performance
  • Reliable microbial reduction with tighter grades
Media stability due to high wet strength
  • Easy to remove after use, especially with sticky fluids
  • High economic efficiency due to a long service life
A combination of surface, depth and adsorptive filtration
  • High solids retention
  • Very good permeability
  • Excellent filtrate quality
Each individual filter sheet is laser etched with the sheet grade, batch number and production date.
  • Full traceability

Food Contact Compliance

Please refer to the Pall website for a Declaration of Compliance to specific National Legislation and/or Regional Regulatory requirements for food contact use.

Grade Application
HS 200
HS 400
Fine filtration of beer for bacteria and yeast reduction

HS 800
HS 1000
HS 2000
For beer clarification and DE trap filtration

HS 4000
HS 6000
Prefiltration and coarse filtration of beer

HS 9000

Main Constituents

Cellulose, diatomaceous earth (DE, Kieselguhr), perlite.


Product Line Mass per Unit Area
Thickness(mm) Mean Ash Content % Mean Water Permeability at 1,0 bar L/m2/min (gal/ft2/min)
HS 200 1400 3.8 53 52 (1.28)
HS 400 1350 3.7 45 94 (2.31)
HS 800 1350 3.7 46 150 (3.68)
HS 1000 1350 3.9 45 187 (4.59)
HS 2000 1240 4.0 47 363 (8.91)
HS 4000 1220 4.0 46 648 (15.91)
HS 6000 1200 4.1 45 935 (22.95)
HS 9000 1150 4.1 45 1748 (42.90)
These figures have been determined in accordance with in-house test methods and the methods of the Technical /Analytical Work Group within the European Depth Filtration Association.
2 The permeability was measured under test conditions with clean water at 20 °C (68 °F) and a Δp of 1 bar (14.5 psi).


HS series filter sheets may be rinsed with clean water (in the forward or reverse3 direction) to increase throughput and to optimize economic efficiency. Optimal regeneration of filter sheets installed in a plate and frame filter may be achieved with serial rinses of warm water followed by hot water. An example protocol is shown below.

  • Rinse with warm water (60 °C / 140 °F) for 15 minutes
  • Rinse with hot water (70 – 80 °C / 158 – 176 °F) for 8 – 10 minutes

The rinse flow rate should be equivalent to the filtration flow rate with a back pressure of up to 0.5 bar (7.2 psi).

3 When rinsing in the reverse flow direction it is critical to control particulate and microbial levels in the rinse water so that the filtrate side of the sheet is not contaminated. Water used for reverse flow flushes should be particle-free, and if the filter will not be sterilized prior to re-use the water should be free of microbes. Backwashing should be in a diagonal direction from outlet to inlet in a plate and frame filter.

Sterilization and Sanitization

Method Temperature °C(°F) Maximum Differential Pressure bar (psi) Time4/Cycle min
Steam 125 (257) 0.5 (7.2) 20
Hot Water 90 (194) 1 (14.5) 30
4 The actual time required may vary as a function of the process conditions.

Filtration Guidelines5

As the filtrate quality can be impacted by the filtration flow rate, the following table provides guidelines for flux rate.

Application Flow Velocity
Maximum Differential Pressure bar (psi)
Beer clarification 150-300 (3.7-7.4) 2.5 (36.3)
Microbial reduction in beer 100-200 (2.5-4.9) 1.5 (21.8)
5 Please contact Pall for recommendations on your specific filtration process as results may vary by product, pre-filtration and filtration conditions.

For additional operating guidelines, including rinsing of sheets prior to use, please refer to instructions provided by Pall.


  • Filter sheets produced in a controlled environment
  • Manufactured according to ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Management System

Relative Retention Rating1

1 Effective removal performance of filter sheets is dependent on process conditions.
Filter Sheets

Available Sheet Formats

Rectangular Sheets
400 mm x 400 mm (15.8" x 15.8")
600 mm x 612 mm (23.6" x 24.1")

Folded Sheets
800 mm x 1625 mm (31.5" x 63.9")
1003 mm x 2016 mm (39.5" x 79.3")
1205 mm x 2420 mm (47.4" x 95.3")

Other formats are available on request. Seitz HS series filter sheets are also available in SUPRApak™ module configurations. Please contact Pall.

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